Our Success
The past three events have been wildly successful. Let's take a peek at the hard work everyone put in and the results we had:

2021: I (Victoria, Event Founder) will try to make a long story short! In 2020, before the pandemic, I decided I wanted to run 140 miles in 90 hours and do it in Florida near the Foundation's Headquarters. I thought an in-person 5k would be a great way to end my 140 miles with fellow survivors and advocates. Well, then the pandemic happened and I kept hope for a 2020 in person event, but quickly had to shift that event to virtual..... which happened in 2021. We had a great first year with local Melbourne, Fl sponsors, 100 participants to do either the virtual 5k and we hosted a. year long miles challenge. And big bonus, we raised over $10,000! What a rollercoaster of a first year. (And if you are wondering, I still have that dream to run 140 miles in 90 hours..... 😉).
2022: We stayed with the virtual component and had 106 participants and raised about $5,000 through charity runners and general donations. What a great year with one of the BEST medals ever - the charms showcased the importance of the funds we raise and the large size (5.5 inches) is larger than standard medals for races.
2023: WOW! We skyrocketed this year 🚀 We had 263 participants (with half being survivors) and raised over $18,000!!!! We decided virtual (5k and 140 miles in 90 days) is here to stay and to continue with February 1st to April 30th - right before Preeclampsia Awareness Month kicks off. Also, our medal spun between a blood pressure cuff and a research beaker. Seriously, we LOVE medals that are creative, fun, and BIG!
2024: Stay tuned to watch up continue to grow! We have a team of 10 volunteers helping with marketing, social media, run club liaisons, charity runner support team, and working within our free Mama Miles facebook page. We can't wait to crush our goals for 2024.
so far!

Hi! I am Victoria Buker and I am a postpartum preeclampsia with severe features survivor.

I realized I wanted to do something to raise funds for the Preeclampsia Foundation. Being an RRCA Certified Run Coach and group fitness instructor plus having the (new to me) knowledge that preeclampsia survivors are 3-4x more likely to have a cardiac disease in their lifetime, I wanted to do something active, “fun”, and quirky-- just like me.
Just like that, the 140 over 90 Run was born.
The 2024 event is the 4th Annual Event and we have a goal of raising over $50,000 in total to the Preeclampsia Foundation by year 5 of the event..... we are already over $32,000 for their groundbreaking research and Cuff Kit program.... so I have a feeling we will hit that goal this year!
The backbone of the 140 over 90 Run are our survivors, we have such a passionate group of survivors and their loved ones who give so much time and talents to the cause - in hopes that we have a future with better maternal health care and research.
the Founder

Please note:
The 140 over 90 Run is a third-party fundraiser event - every cent outside of medals, shipping, insurance, charity runner swag, plus cost of the website for example.... goes directly to the Preeclampsia Foundation.
Victoria and volunteers does not make a profit or receive any funds from this event. This is truly a labor of love.